
Mediation is a method of conflict resolution that can be applied in many areas of dispute. The term mediation has etymological roots in both Latin and Greek: It means "intermediary", "neutral", and "oriented to neither of the parties". Mediation is thus a dynamic technique to achieve reconciliation in conflicts or disputes with the help of an impartial third person, the mediator.

Mediation is beneficial in cases where two or more disputing parties have reached an impasse and are unable to develop constructive solutions by themselves. A mediator supports the disputing parties in actively negotiating a fair and balanced solution that is in the interest of all involved. Mediation is, by definition, multipartial: The Mediator acts in the interest of all the parties and provides a setting in which each of the disputing parties is able to present the issue at hand from their own perspective in an appropriate and satisfactory manner.

The goal of mediation is to achieve an agreement which enables all parties to look ahead constructively. Mediation is an extrajudicial proceeding of conflict resolution; it therefore saves the disputing parties both time and money.

The Mediation Process

Mediation is a structured procedure in which all participants are heard and are able to present their individual point of view. At the beginning of the process, all issues are collected, and are then discussed one after another. The mediator remains impartial and balanced throughout the discussion, and conveys each party’s perspective in a manner that can be understood and noted by the other party.

The aim of the mediation is to reestablish a mutual understanding, which would lead to an openness for the other’s solution. It is sometimes helpful to also conduct one-on-one-sessions with the mediator either at the beginning or during the mediation process.At the end of the process, the solutions that have been negotiated are compiled and can be — depending on the needs of the disputing parties — outlined in a written agreement.

Depending on the nature of the topics that have been negotiated in the mediation and the type of solutions, it can be useful to seek advice from a lawyer or tax consultant, or even notarize the agreement before signing it. I carefully choose the composition of the mediator team according to the complexity, topic and level of escalation of each case.

If you are facing a conflict but the other party is not open for mediation, it is advisable to seek conflict coaching in order to gain clarity on the dispute.

Areas of Mediation:

I generally work in all fields of mediation, including

  • Family mediations: conflicts that occur within families, between parents and children, between heirs or between relatives.

  • Separation mediations: conflicts that arise when a couple splits up, for example about where the children should live, division of common possessions, etc.

  • Mediations between colleagues: conflicts that arise at the workplace, mediations with or between managers or supervisors.

  • Mediations between business partners: e.g. about splitting shares/business interests etc.

  • Mediations within groups: conflicts that affect the ability of a group to work together, disagreements that affect a living community, a social club, a managing board or a co-op.

  • Neighborhood mediation

Cost and Duration:

Please arrange a non-binding preliminary talk with me at:

Cinzia Friedlaender